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July so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
Total Entries: 19564
This Months Entries: 5
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maker (3 entries)
squiz (2 entries)
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maker (Stoke Factor: 10 )
squiz (Stoke Factor: 6 )

Member Details Session Description
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Owner: squiz

Member#: 6644
Registered: 27-05-2007
Diary Entries: 2939

4th October 2011
Mt. Biking: Lac du Salagou=France
Wind Direction:
Wind Stength:
Surf / Sea State:
Air Temperature:
Sea Temperature:
Weather: sunny and hot
Max Speed:
Distance Covered:

We made an early start and biked round the whole Lac Salagou – 27km and that is without all the wrong turnings we took because of the poor signs :( One of our detours saw us scrambling up scree slopes which were virtually vertical – with a bike!!!! Anyway it was a brilliant bike ride. There are lots of really hard mountain bike tracks – Thetford forest eat your heart out! – over the dark red rock and earth (it’s called Ruffe) which is a feature of the area. I also decided to try one of the fruits on the many cactus bushes (prickly pear?) which were vibrant red on the cactus and bright pink inside – he ended up with a load of cactus spines in his lip for his trouble! We both did some quite scary tracks and I did more than Mag !!! Mag had just decided to leave me to it and go up the road when Mag realised I had two thorns in her front tyre, one causing a blooming puncture! Mag got off and started to walk up the hill towards where the road would meet my track. Mag kept to the grass verge so wasn’t causing any traffic problems when there was a lot of beeping of a horn! She was just about to get aggravated and turned to amazingly see our friends Peter and Jill Cutts behind her!!!!!!!!!! What are the chances of that? We knew they were on their way down to La Franqui and had asked us where we were but the chances of them being on that tiny piece of road at the same time as I was and that fact that she had a puncture was amazing! They gave us both a welcome can of pepsi and Peter ended up mending the puncture too :) They went off to where we are parked to meet us later and we carried on with the bike ride. We stopped for lunch at an abandoned village called Celles for lunch which was very quaint but the flies were biting our ankles so we left pretty quickly! On we pressed mostly on the road and then finally, thanks to another wrong turn, wheeling our bikes through the lake past two professional naturist sun bathers!!! Finally arrived back at the van 6 hours after we left and quickly made for the lac for a swim! Quickly followed by a cuppa and a chat with Jill and Peter, who was rigging up his gear as the wind had picked up. We went to the Hyper U in Clermont Herault as we are out of everything having not even seen a shop since Friday! Treated ourselves to a rotisserie poulet and enjoyed that for tea :) We now have so much water on board, having filled up at the centre hose pipe and bought lots of drinking water, we are probably using double the diesel! No sitting out or bat watching tonight – too windy – at least no flies either!

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